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XinatorCEC: Customer Engagement Center

We have been developing cloud-based software since 2005, largely for trade service companies, with our myServiceForce brand.  Our Xceleran software is an extension of our knowledge and success. It provides additional capabilities that address broader markets while totally focused on small business success.   The cornerstone of our software is the concept of providing an end-to-end frictionless digital experience for you, your customers, and employees.

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There are two fundamental and overlapping components to a business.  There is the side that makes, sells, and fulfills a product or service: The Operations. Then there is the side that sets the stage for your customers, accounting for the finances, etc. (Administration and Marketing are sometimes referred to as the Back-Office.) The first side is generally where the passion and expertise are in a business, but especially a small business.  Our software – and in fact, our overall Xinator Ecosystem – is designed to make it easier for you to focus on your passions.  Our XinatorCEC (Customer Engagement Center) software is specifically designed to reduce friction,  (i.e. wasted time and annoyances) between the fulfillment process and administration. It does the same for customer interactions with your business and provides a consistent, efficient set of processes that reduces stress and saves money.

There are currently three versions of our XinatorCEC Software:

  • XinatorServco is geared towards service businesses.  Read More
  • XinatorPRO is for the general professional services business which is focused on appointment management and/or integrated payment processing and is providing B2B and/or B2C services.  Read More
  • XinatorCharter is specialized in Charter Fishing and other companies that provide similar booking services.  Read More
  • XinatorFieldAPP family of products. Check all helpful links and services here

XinatorCEC software is accessed through XinatorCentral, the dashboard of your Xinator Ecosystem.

Use the website to navigate to the software you think best fits your needs and take a Feature Tour.  There are popup descriptions to guide you and it is a live site so you can interact with it like it is yours.  Also, check out our YouTube videos on the site or on our YouTube Channel for more in-depth videos.

Xinator Customer Ratings: Check our step-by-step guide here.