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Global Payments Integrated (GPI)

As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

global payments integrated Xceleran solution As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Competitive Analysis

Our integrated Competitive Analysis takes your online presence tracking one step further by comparing your social media status directly to your competitors. You can even see their reviews to see what their customers are saying and maybe learn something useful or find a weakness to exploit. You can even compare sales information and they don’t have to be GPI customers for you to see it.

Customer Intelligence | Reviews

Screenshot 39 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Where are my customers talking about my business?

What are they saying?

Can I engage (view and respond) with customers via social review sites?

Customer Intelligence | Competition Comparison

Customer Intelligence | Competition Picker

  • What are customers saying about the competition?
  • Are there things the competition is doing that I should consider doing?
  • * In Development: What are the top keywords in my competitor reviews?
Picture17 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Customer Intelligence | Reach Heat Map Updates

Picture18 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.
  • Where do my customers come from / live?
  • Where should I be advertising to draw my customers back?
  • Where should I consider opening other locations?

Reputation Management

Our Integrating online Reputation Management into your personalized Business Management System gives you visibility into how your customers and potential customers see you, AND as importantly a way to instantly and easily respond.

Picture5 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.


Grow Your Business
Manage Your Reputation


Skip the surveys, get advanced demographic information for your customers from zip code to spending habits.

Take the guesswork out of how your competitors stack up with side-by-side comparisons.

You’re represented by your worst person on your worst day.  Stay ahead of your social reputation with review tracking, alerts, and response management from top sites.

Picture5 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Customer Intelligence | Dashboard

Picture6 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.
  • What are my customers saying about me on online review sites?
  • Is my social reputation improving or declining?
  • Is social rating a leading indicator of sales trends?
  • What types of customers am I attracting?
  • Am I attracting the customers I want?
  • How can I tailor the right marketing message to my customer interests?
  • Do my customers differ between locations?
  • What else do my customers spend their money on (behavioral segments)?
Picture7 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Marketing Score

Picture8 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Based on how your business performs in four (4) areas:

3.Social Reputation
4.Online Visibility

Social Reputation Rating

The average star rating for each of the past three months. The associated “Customer Trends” button can be used to show or hide customer trends on the same graph.

Picture9 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Average Rating

Picture10 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Current overall average of all ratings (i.e. the sum of all review ratings divided by the number of reviews)

Review Snapshot

Color-coded representation of the sentiment of online and social review, as well as the breakdown of platforms, by the number of reviews / comments.

Picture11 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.


Picture12 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.

Customer comments across popular online review and social media sites, with the option to view and reply directly from the Analytics application.


Compare marketing score, overall average rating and reviews for a competitor of your choosing.

Picture13 As a Global Payments Company, Global Payments Integrated is driving payments innovation in software applications – supporting the quickly changing ways payments are processed while delivering industry-standard technical and customer support.