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Customer Engagement Suite

customer journey final 2 It’s probably obvious, but the pandemic has really increased the speed at which digital communications are replacing face-to-face interactions.  As a result, it’s important to focus on making that experience consistent, frictionless, and effective.

Customer Engagement is Important

It’s probably obvious, but the pandemic has really increased the speed at which digital communications are replacing face-to-face interactions.  As a result, it’s important to focus on making that experience consistent, frictionless, and effective.

We can help you accomplish those goals through our Suite of products which focuses on helping to provide a Professional and Personalized First Touch with your customers through our product offering, CallPop.  Additionally, we can provide the ability to closely Monitor and Manage your Online Presence through Customer Intelligence software and our services.  The software we offer is provided to us for integration into our Business Management System by our partner Global Payments Integrated.

Our Customer Engagement Program

To make your engagements with your customers consistent, frictionless, and effective we focus on:

  • Consistency of data across all platforms
  • Digital access by your customers to you for
    • Appointment Request
    • Invoicing and Payments
  • Automated Communications including acknowledgments and reminders via email and SMS (texting)

We make sure it’s working by:

  • Monitoring and managing your Online Presence
  • Tracking your presence versus your competition

We help you fix it if needed by:

  • Website content and SEO
  • Virtual employees to fill gaps in expertise or while growing

Based on how your business performs in four(4) areas:

  1. Reviews
  2. Promotion
  3. Social Reputation
  4. Online Visibility
image 1 It’s probably obvious, but the pandemic has really increased the speed at which digital communications are replacing face-to-face interactions.  As a result, it’s important to focus on making that experience consistent, frictionless, and effective.

Our Customer Engagement Components

CallPop Intelligent Phone Answering Software:

  • Gathers key current data on customer calling from Xceleran BMS. Read more
  • Provides access to past history as well as makes notes. Read more
  • Links to Customer Site in Xceleran BMS. Read more
  • Links to XceleranCC-Virtual Terminal. Read more

* Requires approved voice-over IP phone service.

Our Customer Engagement Components

Reputation Management Software:

  • Gathers current data on your online public status
  • Puts all ratings and rankings in one place
  • Facilitates rapid response

Competitive Analysis Software:

  • Compares your online reputation to your competition

Xceleran Support Services:

  • Website evaluation
  • Content and SEO evaluation and ongoing management
  • Online Presence Evaluation and Management
  • Social Media marketing management