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Xinator Customer Ratings


Open Rating Settings

To Open Rating Settings Page..
Click on Settings-> Customer Communication-> Ratings

xinator customer rating guide step 1 STEP BY STEP GUIDE

Set New Ratings

Click on Add survey button

xinator customer rating guide step 2 STEP BY STEP GUIDE

Set New Ratings

Fill in all the required fields marked with red star(*)


• Title: title/name of your rating request
• When to Send: Select the number of days after the Booking to
Auto Send the ratings request to the customer
• Review Threshold: Only ratings equal or above given threshold
rating will be posted on review sites. Select your threshold.
• Below Threshold Rating Message: Add text that will appear if
the user gives ratings below the threshold that was set in
Review threshold.
• High Rating Message: Add text that will appear if the customer
gives rating above the threshold that was set.
• Review Post Url: List your company’s social media sites by
comma(,) separator where you want the ratings to appear

**Click Save Changes button to save the changes

Set New Ratings


Create/edit the SMS (text) messages that will be sent to the customers with the page link to give their ratings.

Request Message Text: The body of SMS/text message.
NOTE: Like in other Auto messages you can use brackets
[ ] around data base fields like Name and Date to
personalize the message.

**Click Save Changes button to save the changes

Set New Ratings


Email messages that will be sent to the customers
with the page link [a click Start Rating button will
redirect to the page] to give their ratings.

Subject Title: Email Subject that your customer will

Email Body: Email body text that will be sent to the
customer with a button named Start Rating. On
click the button it will redirect the customer to the
rating page.

NOTE: Like in other Auto messages you can use
brackets [ ] around data base fields like Name and
Date to personalize the message.

**Click Save Changes button to save the changes

To See Ratings List

Click on Back To List button

Manually Send Rating Request To Customer

1. Click on Customers from the top menu

2. From customer list select a customer who
will receive the rating request email

3. Click on the menu list button placed in the
last row of the list.

4. Click on the Send Survey Email.

Send Rating Request To Customer

This will Open a Email Pop Up
Email To: Auto fills the customer email you have
Title: Select a specific ratings from the list of
ratings from the select box which will auto
populate the relevant email subject and email body
for the customer.
Email Subject: It will auto populate based on the
selected Title: Customer can also modify it before
Email Body: It will auto populate based on the
selected Title: Customer can also modify it before

**Click Send Ratings Email button the email will send with a link.

Customer View

Customer will receive an email with rating
On click the Start Rating button it will redirect
to the page where customer will give their

Customer View

Here Customer will give their ratings.

Customer View

If the Customer gave a rating that is equal or
higher than the threshold [High rating]
the user has set it on their setting page
then the company site URL will show.
Click this link it will redirect the customer
to the company’s social media site to
give their review.

Customer View

If the Customer gave a rating that is below the threshold [Low rating] the is set on the settings page then a message with a comment the box will appear.

In this comment box, user can give their complaint or any message
they wish to let the company know.

**On click Submit button the comment will be saved on the company side.

Rating Responses

To See the rating Responses given by the customers go to
Settings -> Customer Communication -> Rating Response

Rating Responses

These are all of the responses given by the customers.

On Message Row

If the customer has given a review directly on the company site on the message row it will show as
[Review will be published on company Site]

If the customer gave a low rating and submit no comment the message will show [No Review]

If the customer gave a low rating and submits any comment the message will show [The comment sent by the customer ]

Click the view button user can see how many stars are given by the user