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Competitive Analysis


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Our integrated Competitive Analysis takes your online presence tracking one step further by comparing your social media status directly to your competitors. You can even see their reviews to see what their customers are saying and maybe learn something useful or find a weakness to exploit. You can even compare sales information and they don’t have to be GPI customers for you to see it.

Customer Intelligence | Reviews

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Where are my customers talking about my business?

What are they saying?

Can I engage (view and respond) with customers via social review sites?

Customer Intelligence | Competition Comparison

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Which of my competitors seems to be doing well with customers?

Who gets the most reviews?

How much wallet share am I getting relative to competition?

How does my average ticket compare to the surrounding area in my same category (MCC)?

Customer Intelligence | Competition Picker

What are customers saying about the competition?

Are there things the competition is doing that I should consider doing?

* In Development: What are the top keywords in my competitor reviews?

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Customer Intelligence | Reach Heat Map Updates

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Where do my customers come from / live?
Where should I be advertising to draw my customers back?
Where should I consider opening other locations?

Features & Benefits

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