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Car Dealership Steers Clients Away From Competition Driving Them To Their Location


picture1 3 A car dealership wanted to target consumers at competing car dealerships. They also wanted to track the amount of people who saw their ads and then visited their store location. As a result, they enlisted the help of Propellant Media to reach the desired audience and to measure the number of people driven by our ads.A car dealership wanted to target consumers at competing car dealerships. They also wanted to track the amount of people who saw their ads and then visited their store location. As a result, they enlisted the help of Propellant Media to reach the desired audience and to measure the number of people driven by our ads.



Our team developed a comprehensive strategy to target and convert the specified audience using geo-fencing. We built geo-fences around a list of car dealerships provided by our client. Upon campaign launch, our team blacklisted specific websites and adjusted the budget accordingly. As a result of our unique reporting, we were not only able to measure the number of conversions driven by the campaign, but also determine which geo-fences delivered the best engagement and visibility.


Ultimately, our team was able to deliver an average CTR of 0.14%, which far exceeded the industry average CTR of 0.1%. Moreover, we were able to track and determine that 50 people came to our client’s car dealership after seeing our ads.